I then look at my map, to see that the marker for "Investigate the National Guard Training Yard" is at Abernathy Farm. I went around the whole building again to check I hadn't dropped it, but nothing.

But after finding Knight Varnham's holotape, I went to the National Guard Training Yard, and looted Knight Astlin's body without properly checking, and went on throughout the building, clearing it and looting.īut after I dealt with the Sentry Bot outside, I checked my quest log and noticed it still said "Investigate the National Guard Training Yard", and then checked my inventory to find I hadn't picked up Knight Astlin's holotape. So basically I was doing the Lost Patrol quest, fully aware of the whole getting Danse as a companion halfway through the quest glitch, and was just powering through it to get it out of the way so I could do a bit more of the story so The Prydwen could appear.